- The DESIS Hyperspectral Instrument and MUSES Imaging Platform DESIS.pdf
- Data Product Specification DESIS Data Product Specification.pdf
- DESIS data is now open and available for all federally funded researchers and NASA has 50% tasking capacity on the instrument
- Teledyne has now implemented a guest login (enter as guest button shown below) at the main TCloud login, to see what is available. You can explore TCloudHost
- End-User License Agreement (EULA), DESIS ICD document, and the latest update on MUSES. TBE EULA--Final - NASA --2017-Oct-31 FINAL (1).pdf
- We will be having a brown bag in March with the Teledyne MUSES team at HQ – please be on the lookout for that invite
- Updates on the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program are available at EarthData