2021 -22 NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting & Silver Jubilee Celebration

The 2022 LCLUC Fall Science Team Meeting marks the 25th Anniversary of the NASA LCLUC program. On this special occasion, we will take some time to reflect on our past projects and share valuable experiences from the past quarter century with the LCLUC community. We will identify current research challenges and future directions for the program that will enable researchers to plan and build strong foundations for future research projects. The three-day meeting will focus on past accomplishments and current LCLUC issues with discussions on future directions to advance LCLUC research.
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
One Bethesda Metro Center
7400 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA
T +1 301 657 1234
Meeting Presentations
DAY 1 (Tuesday, October 18th, 2022)
Program Presentations
Welcome Address and 25 Years of LCLUC at NASA: A Program Retrospective – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) 1 Garik Gutman.pdf
The Program Roots: LUCC to LCLUC – Billie Turner (ASU) 2 Billie Turner.pptx
National and International Program Partnerships
The Global Land Program: Emerging Science Priorities – Ariane De Bremond (Global Land Program/U. Maryland) Ariane LCLUC_25th_deBremond_GLP_V3.pdf
LCLUC and USGS: Past and Current Activities – Tim Newman (USGS) TIM NEWMAN USGS Newman LCLUC_Slides_Oct_2022 Final.pdf
NASA-USAID Capacity Building Efforts – Nancy Searby (NASA HQ/SERVIR) Nancy Searby .pdf
Future Earth – Jiaguo Qi (Michigan State U.) Jiaguo Qi FE-LCLUC-Qi-Presentation-final.pdf
The Status and Future of Remote Sensing in Land-Use Modeling – Dan Brown (U. Washington) Dan Brown re .pdf
Urban Land Use
Strategic Directions for Urban Remote Sensing - Karen Seto (Yale U.)Karen Seto 2022 NASA LCLUC SETO.pptx
Panel on Challenges in Urban LCLUC Science (5 minutes w. 1 slide each followed by open discussion). Panel Members: Peilei Fan (MSU), Jody Vogeler (Colorado State U.), Yufang Jin (UC Davis), Kirsten de Beurs (Wageningen U.) Alexey Shiklomanov (GSFC) (Moderator- Karen Seto) Panel1 Urban D1.pptx
Regional Programs
LBA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Synthesis: Lessons Learned and Recent Developments– Michael Keller (USDA Forest Service) Keller_LBA_for_LCLUC_v2 (1).pdf
The LCLUC NEESPI-NEFI: Accomplishments and Synthesis – Pasha Groisman (NC State U., NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)) Groisman_LCLUC_2022.pdf
The LCLUC SARI: Accomplishments and Next Steps – Krishna Vadrevu (MSFC) Revised_KPV_USE_SARI_KPV_Accomplishments_DC_1.pdf
Yufang Jin (U. California Davis) - Multi-source Wildland Urban Interface Characterization Enhanced with Machine Learning Technique: Dynamics and Hazard Assessment
Christopher Neigh (GSFC) –The Impact of Investment on Irrigated Rice, Dryland Agriculture and Afforestation in Senegal using SAR and Optical Time-Series Imagery in Data Fusion Approaches
Alexandra Tyukavina (U. Maryland) - Multi-resolution quantification and driver assessment of hot spots of global forest disturbance Tyukavina_LCLUC_meeting_2022_poster.pdf
Nicholas Magliocca (U. Alabama) – the Hidden Visible: Accelerated Land-Use Change and Degradation Caused by Narco-Trafficking in and Around Central America’s Protected Areas Magliocca_Poster.pdf
Sergii Skakun (U. Maryland) - High-Impact Hot Spots of Land Cover Land Use Change: Ukraine and Neighboring Countries Sergii Poster-LCLUC_Skakun_et_al_2022.pdf
David Lutz (Dartmouth College)– Rapid Change and Development in a Tropical Biodiversity Hotspot: A Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach to Quantify Terrestrial and Aquatic Impacts and Test Policy Effectiveness Lutz LCLUC Poster 2022.pdf
Sean Healey (USDA Forest Service) - Sensor Fusion Using Daily Planet Imagery Allows Rapid Deforestation Monitoring in Madagascar
Volker Radeloff (U. of Wisconsin-Madison) - Global Hotspots of the Wildland-Urban Interface
Marc Simard (JPL) – Global Hotspots of Change in Mangrove Forests
Jody Vogeler (Colorado State U.) - The last urban frontier: Assessing drivers of urbanization and tradeoffs among social and ecosystem services associated with LCLUC in Africa vogeler_LCLUC_ST_2022_final.pdf
Xin Xi (Michigan Tech U.) – Mapping and modeling desertification and its impact on aeolian dust and human health in Central Asia Xin Xi poster.pdf
Xiao-Peng Song (U. Maryland) - Soybean expansion in South America: Quantifying historical land-use change, modeling socioeconomic drivers and projecting future trajectories
Meha Jain (U. Michigan) - Policy, market, and climate change impacts on maize production in Mexico NASA_Jain.pdf
Carlos Munoz Brenes (Conservation International Foundation) – Impacts of global markets and national policies on forest carbon trajectories and social outcomes in the Guiana shield ecoregion carlos Munoz Brenes NASA Poster 2022 Guyana.pdf
Robert Heilmayr (U. of California) – Mapping property values to understand land-use change in South America
Zhenong Jin (U. of Minnesota) – Evaluating land use change and livelihood responses to large investments for high-value agriculture: managing risks in the era of the Green Morocco Plan
Christoph Nolte (Boston U.) – Comparing the effectiveness of conservation instruments in the Colombian Andes biodiversity hotspot
Aaron Sparks (U. of Idaho) – Understanding the socioeconomic drivers of agricultural land abandonment and associated fire risk in Greece Sparks_LCLUC_2022_poster.pdf
Nicholas Cuba (Auburn U.) – Evaluating the drivers of international migration from the Northern Triangle of Central America and its implications for land systems in the region
Geoffrey Henebry (Michigan State U.) – Land surface phenologies in Central Asian highlands Henebry_poster_final_13OCT22_reduced.pdf
Mark Cochrane (U. Maryland Center for Environmental Science) - Land-use transitions in Indonesian peatlandsZhao - Cochrane Poster_LCLUC.pdf
Peter Potapov (U. Maryland) – Shifting cultivation at a crossroad: drivers and outcomes of recent land-use changes in Laos PDR Potapov Laos_LCLUC_poster_2022 .pdf
Kirsten de Beurs (Wageningen U.) - Rapid urbanization, changing croplands and increasing population health vulnerabilities in the China-Central Asia-West Asia economic corridor
Peilei Fan (Michigan State U.) Divergent local responses to globalization: urbanization, land transition, and environmental changes in Southeast Asia PeileiFAN-2022-10-18-poster-pdf.pdf
Lin Yan (Michigan State U.) – Forced and truncated agrarian transitions in Asia through the lens of field size change
Josh Gray (North Carolina State U.) – Sowtime: climate adaptive agriculture in the Eastern Gangetic Plains
Junchang Ju (U. Maryland/GSFC) – Recent developments on the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) Junchang_Ju.lcluc2022.poster.pdf
Ioannis Manakos (CERTH-ITI, Greece) – Land cover and land use products in service of agriculture and ecosystem monitoring EuroGEO showcases Manakos E-SHAPEv3.pdf
Christopher Elvidge (Colorado School of Mines)- New results from ten years of VIIRS low-light imaging data Chris Elvidge EOG_NASA_LCLUC_poster_20220929.pdf
Diana Parker (U. Maryland) - Quantifying the impact of perverse incentives from Indonesia's deforestation moratorium
DAY 2 (Wednesday, October 19th, 2022)
Agriculture, Forest and Other Land Uses (AFOLU)
Global Monitoring of Forests and other Land Uses: Research to Operations – Matthew Hansen (U. Maryland)
Remote Sensing and the Policy Aspects of AFOLU – David Skole (Michigan State U., GOFC-GOLD Land Cover) 2 Dovid Skole LCLUC meeting 3s.pptx
Global Forest Observations Initiative (GEO GFOI) and GOFC-GOLD Activities – Martin Herold (GFZ) 3 Martin Herold.pptx
Panel on Challenges for Forests in LCLUC Science (5 minutes w. 1 slide each followed by open discussion). Panelists: Sean Healey (USFS), Alexandra Tyukavina (U. MD), Christoph Nolte (Boston U.), Randolph Wynne (Virginia Tech.) [Moderator: Ruth DeFries (Columbia U)] 4 Panel Forest D2 .pptx
Overview of the NASA Applied Sciences’ Water Resources and Agriculture Programs – Brad Doorn (NASA HQ)
Harvest: Global Agricultural Monitoring – Inbal Becker-Reshef and Chris Justice (NASA Harvest) 6A Inbal.mp4 6B Chris Justice.pptx
Was Drought Really the Trigger Behind the Syrian Civil War in 2011? – Arnon Karnieli (Ben Gurion University, Israel) 7 Arnon Karnieli Syria water short LCLUC 22 [Autosaved].pptx
Global Land Abandonment – Alexander Prishchepov (U. of Copenhagen) 8 Alexander Prishchpov.pdf
The Status and Future of Remote Sensing of Rangelands Land Use –Ranjeet John (U. of South Dakota) 9 Ranjeet John.pptx
Panel on Challenges in Agricultural Remote Sensing and Land-Use Change. Kaiyu Guan (U. Ill), Sergii Skakun (U. MD), Martha Anderson (USDA ARS), Xiao-peng Song (U. MD), (5 minutes - 1 slide each followed by open discussion) (Moderator: Meha Jain (U. Michigan)) 10 Panel Agriculture .pptx
The Current Status and Future of Fire Monitoring – David Roy (Michigan State U., GOFC-GOLD Fire) 11 David_Roy_LCLUC_2022_Final.pptx
NASA Fire Products: Current Status and Future Recommendations – Louis Giglio (UMD) 12 Giglio_LCLUC_NASA_Fire_202210.pdf
The NASA Wildfire Initiative Science Priorities – Michael Falkowski, (NASA HQ) 13 Michael Falkoski NASA HQ .pptx
Panel on Challenges in Fire Monitoring and Land-Use Science – Volker Radeloff (U. Wisconsin-Madison), Luigi Boschetti (Idaho U.), Mark Cochrane (U. MD Center for Environmental Science), Joanne Hall (U. MD) (Moderator: Krishna Vadrevu: MSFC/LCLUC) 14 Panel Fire D2 .pptx
DAY 3 (Thursday, October 20th, 2022)
International Program Partnership
Update on the ESA Sentinels for Land Remote Sensing - Benjamin Koetz (ESA) 1 ESA Sentinels Koetz2022 [Auto-saved].pptx
An Overview of European Research Directions in Land-Use Science – Ioannis Manakos (CERTH, Greece/ EARSeL LULC Special Interest Group) 2 ManakosEtAl_LU_inEU_uploaded.pdf
Missions, Data and Products
ECOSTRESS: Kerry Cawse-Nicholson / Simon Hook (JPL) 3 Kerry LCLUC_Cawse_221020-ECOSTRESS.pptx
Landsat 8/9 and Status of Landsat Next: Chris Neigh (GSFC) 4 Chris Neigh L9_610comm_nov2020_CN_v2.pptx
MuSLI/HLS - Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) 5 Garik Gutman Musli.pptx
GEDI status and data products - Ralph Dubayah (UMD) 6 Dubayah GEDI LCLUC.pptx
NISAR status and data plans – Kyle McDonald /Gerald Bawden (JPL) 7 Kyle McDonald_NISAR_Overview_wide_LCLUC.pptx
NASA / Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program: VHR Data Availability and Use – Will McCarty (ESD, NASA) 8 Will McCarty-CSDA Program Update October 2022-WM_for_LCLUC.pptx
Coordination, Calibration and Algorithm Development of the Thermal Infrared Activities for the ESA Land Surface Temperature Monitoring (LSTM) Mission and NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Designated Observable - Kerry Cawse-Nicholson / Simon Hook (JPL) 9 Kerry LCLUC_Cawse_221020_SBG-TIR-TRISHNA-LSTM.pptx
Program Presentation
Future Directions for the Program: Overview and Discussion on next 25 years of the LCLUC Program – Chris Justice (UMD) and Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) 10 Chris Justice Future Directions.pptx
The LCLUC Web Site Update – Garik Gutman, Meghavi Prashnani (UMD)
Meeting Summary and Concluding Remarks – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) 12 Garik LCLUC25-website-final remarks.pptx