NIP LCLUC related projects


  • Becker-Reshef, Inbal- University of Maryland- Food, Price and Conflict: Earth Observations-based Agricultural Production forecasting to assess potential impacts on grain markets and civil unrest
  • Cobourn, Kelly-Boise State University. Water Institutions and Agricultural Land-Use Change across the Western U.S.
  • Galford, Gillian-University of Vermont. Environmental and socioeconomic outcomes of the new African Green Revolution
  • Grace, Kathryn-University of Utah. Examining the links between agriculture and human health in a context of climate change: A case study of three West African countries - Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali
  • Julian, Jason –University of Oklahoma. Land Management Impacts on Water Quality in New Zealand across Political Boundaries
  • Leisz, Stephen-Colorado State University. Increased accessibility, landscape changes, rural transformations, and urbanization: Impacts of the east-west economic corridor from Da Nang, Vietnam, to Khon Kaen, Thailand
  • McCarty, Jessica -Michigan Tech Research Institute. The role of environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and land-cover/land-use change factors to explain the pattern and causal drivers of anthropogenic fires in post-Soviet Eastern Europe
  • Wendland, Kelly – University of Idaho. Land tenure, property rights, and land cover and land use change at transboundary sites in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor University of Idaho
  • Loboda, Tatiana- University of Maryland. Social drivers of land cover change around African transboundary Peace Parks
  • Zhou, Yuyu-Joint Global Change Research Institute. Understanding and Simulating Global Urban Expansion in the Context of Climate Change



  • Falkowski, Michael - Michigan Technological University. Enhancing Tools and Geospatial Data to Support Operational Forest Management
    and Regional Forest Planning in the Face of Climate Change
  • Kirschbaum, Dalia - Goddard Space Flight Center. Using Remotely Sensed Data to Bridge Empirical and Physical Approaches for
    Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning



  • Franz, Kristie - Iowa State University. Remote Sensing Data as Drivers for Streamflow Prediction Models for the Upper Midwest: Focusing on the Wetting and Drying Periods
  • Hayes, Daniel - University of Alaska Fairbanks. Diagnosis and Attribution of the Contemporary North American Terrestrial CO2 Sink: The Role of Disturbance and Land Use Change
  • Lohman, Rowena - Cornell. The Next Decade of NASA satellites: Bringing New Data into the Classroom and as Constraints on Coastal Subsidence
  • Palace, Michael - University of New Hampshire. Estimation of tropical forest structure using multiple remote sensing platforms and field based data



  • Jin, Yufang - University of California - Irvine. Fire-induced Changes in Albedo and the Associated Radiative Forcing: A Comparison of Boreal Canada and Australia Tropical Savannas
  • Kennedy, Robert - USDA Forest Service. Leveraging Temporal Variation In Climate And Management Across National Parks In The Western U.S. To Characterize Three Decades Of Landscape Vegetation Dynamics
  • Lobell, David - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Agricultural Applications Of Multi-Year Remote Sensing: A Research And Education Program
  • Mountrakis, Giorgos - State University of New York. Satellite-Derived Anthropogenic Land Use/Land Cover Changes: Integrating Detection, Modeling And Educational Approaches



  • Manson, Steven - University of Minnesota. American Land Change: Integrated Research and Education on Decision Making in Coupled Human-Environment Systems
  • Nair, Udaysankar - University of Alabama - Huntsville. Investigation of microclimatic changes associated with tropical forest fragmentation using remote sensing and numerical modeling
  • Powers, Jennifer - University of Minnesota. A Regional-Scale Analysis of Regenerating Tropical Dry Forests in Costa Rica: Measurements and Models of the Linkages among Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function and Carbon Storage
  • Song, Conghe - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Impacts of Land-Cover/Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Budget