Nick Magliocca and Alexander Prishchepov appointed to the GLP Scientific Steering Committee

Congratulations to LCLUC members Alexander Prishchepov and Nick Magliocca for being appointed to the GLP Scientific Steering Committee (GLP-SSC). The Global Land Programme (GLP)—a Future Earth Global Research Network, brings together more than 2,300 international land scientists to advance related research and activities. Prishchepov and Magliocca are joined by Ximena RuedaLe Yu, and  Thuy Thu Pham

GLP’s SSC contributes to the implementation of research to advance sustainability transformations worldwide and is responsible for setting the research agenda, building the community of land system science, and synthesizing scientific insights, while working to communicate understanding of key land system issues at the interface science and society.

In Feb 2023 the GLP International Programme Office moved to to its new home in the University of Maryland Department of Geographical Sciences. GLP looks forward to expanding its presence in the Americas and to collaborating more deeply with partners of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), importantly among them the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Program

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