The MODIS 250‐m map of urban expansion for East and Southeast Asia
This dataset provides a current, consistent, and seamless map of urban, built‐up and settled areas using multiple classifications of MODIS time series data. The maps are currently provided for each of the 17 countries in the East and South East Asian region, as well as for the region as a whole at 250 m, 500 m, and 1 km spatial resolution. For more details, refer to the read me files in the downloaded data.
Product Details:
Spatial Coverage: East and Southeast Asia
Temporal Coverage: Urban extent:c2000, c2010
Resolution: 250m, 500m and 1km
Projection: Albers equal‐area conic for North Asia central meridian: 95° standard parallel 1: 15° standard parallel 2: 65° latitude of origin: 30° datum: WGS84
Data Type: 8-bit unsigned integer
Data Format: GeoTIFF (country level), BSQ (region level)
Download Link:
To access the data:
1. Send an email to [email protected]. Please include:
A description of how you will use the data, and
your contact information.
2. You will receive an email in response with the link to the data and the password for data access.
The direct link for data download is:
3. Enter the password, download the files and the readme information.
Mertes, C.M., Schneider, A., Sulla-Menashe, D., Tatem, A.J., and Tan, B. (2015). Detecting change in urban areas at continental scales with MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 10, p. 331-347. Schneider, A., et al. (2015). A new urban landscape in East-Southeast Asia, 2000-2010. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 10, 034002. Available at: