Version 1.3 harmonized Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 dataset available

Version 1.3 of the Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 data set is now available.   The newest version includes additional sites comprising 1039 total tiles.  Please check the “test sites” and “QA” tabs on the website for a complete listing of sites  (  


Products may be downloaded from the GSFC website ( or from the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) (/nobackupp6/jju/hls_testsites_data.v1.3/).  Users are encouraged to consult the Users’ Guide document.


Changes in this version include:

 - Minor bug fixes for the spectral adjustment and BRDF normalization

 - Quick-looks follow now the "Full Resolution Browse" display algorithm used by USGS, relying on the red, NIR and SWIR 1.6 spectral bands

-  QA statistics are provide per-site as well as per-tile.  

-  L30 (Landsat-8) products go back to 2013 to support longer-term analysis with the Landsat part of the data set.     

- The S30 (Sentinel-2) data extend through June 25, 2017.  The current L30 products have used Landsat L1T data rather than C1, and therefore stop at April 30, 2017.   Future HLS versions will use C1 Landsat data as input