2021 |
Vijay Ramprasad Harry Fischer Pushpendra Rana Anthony Fillipi Burak Guneralp Forrest Fleischman |
Publications |
Coleman, E.A., Schultz, B., Ramprasad, V. et al. Limited effects of tree planting on forest canopy cover and rural livelihoods in Northern India. Nat Sustain (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00761-z |
2021 |
Harry Fischer Vijay Ramprasad Pushpendra Rana |
Publications |
Fleischman, Forrest, Shishir Basant, Harry Fischer, Divya Gupta, Gustavo Garcia Lopez, Prakash Kashwan, Jennifer S. Powers, Vijay Ramprasad, Pushpendra Rana, Archi Rastogi, Claudia Rodriguez Solorzano, and Marissa Schmitz. 2021. "How politics shapes the outcomes of forest carbon finance." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 51:7-14. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2021.01.007. |
2020 |
Forrest Fleischman |
Publications |
Ramprasad, V., A. Joglekar and F. Fleischman. 2020. Plantations and pastoralists: afforestation activities make pastoralists in the Indian Himalaya vulnerable. Ecology and Society 25 (4):1. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol25/iss4/art1/ |
2020 |
Burak Guneralp Anthony Filippi |
Publications |
Ma, A., A. M. Filippi, Z. Wang, Z. Yin, D. Huo, X. Li, and B. Güneralp. 2020. "Fast Sequential Feature Extraction for Recurrent Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing:1-18. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3018449. |
2020 |
Ashwini Chhatre Eric Coleman Harry Fischer Burak Guneralp |
Publications |
Fleischman, Forrest, Shishir Basant, Ashwini Chhatre, Eric A Coleman, Harry W Fischer, Divya Gupta, Burak Güneralp, Prakash Kashwan, Dil Khatri, Robert Muscarella, Jennifer S Powers, Vijay Ramprasad, Pushpendra Rana, Claudia Rodriguez Solorzano, and Joseph W Veldman. 2020. "Pitfalls of Tree Planting Show Why We Need People-Centered Natural Climate Solutions." BioScience 70 (11):947-950. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biaa094. |
2019 |
Anthony Filippi |
Publications |
Ma, Andong, M. Anthony Filippi, Zhangyang Wang, and Zhengcong Yin. 2019. "Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Similarity Measurements-Based Deep Recurrent Neural Networks." Remote Sensing 11 (2). doi: 10.3390/rs11020194. |