Land Cover/Land Use Changes (LC/LUC) and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia - International Regional Science Meeting, 28-30th May, 2018, Philippines

Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology,
University of the Philippines Diliman, 1101, Quezon City Philippines
Meeting Focus:
Meeting Objectives
Several countries in South and Southeast Asia are undergoing rapid changes due to urbanization and industrial development. The population growth together with rapid economic development is causing immense pressure to convert land from forest to agriculture and from agricultural areas to residential and urban uses with significant impact on ecosystem services. Increased Land Cover/Land Use Change (LCLUC) in the region is disrupting and perturbing atmosphere, forest resources, biodiversity, regional climate, biogeochemical cycles, water resources and other ecosystem services. The aim of this meeting is to review the availability, potential and limitations of different data sources and methodologies for the monitoring and the study of LCLUC, and quantification and its impact on the environment. The meeting presentations will focus on synergies among various approaches and provide recommendations on how to improve the use of earth observations, ground data and modeling techniques for the improved understanding of land use sources and sinks.
The purpose of this international meeting is to provide a forum to discuss LCLUC and its impacts, with a regional focus on South and Southeast Asian countries. The meeting will be organized around the following themes:
- LCLUC and impacts on the atmosphere;
- Agriculture and water resources,
- Biomass burning, including land-atmosphere interactions
- Urbanization
- Land use in forests and mountain regions
- Land use in coastal zones
Day-1 – Plenary LCLUC sessions on Agriculture; Land Atmospheric Interactions
Day-2 – Full day Parallel sessions on two different themes, i.e., Atmosphere and Agriculture
Day-3 – Plenary LCLUC sessions on Forests and Urban Areas
Overview presentations will present recent research accomplishments and the state of the art on these topics in South/Southeast Asia, and formulate future research directions and applications development needs for the region. The meeting will explore opportunities for coordination and collaboration among research scientists and teams and ongoing projects aimed to advance our understanding of the spatial extent, intensity, social consequences, and impacts on environment in South/Southeast Asian countries.
International Steering Committee
Dr. Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Remote Sensing Scientist, SARI Lead, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, Phone: 256-321-9492; and Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park, USA; Email: [email protected]
Dr. Chris Justice, GEOGLAM co-Chair, NASA EOFSAC Science Lead, Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 209, College Park, Maryland, 20740, USA, Phone: 301.405.4050; Email: [email protected]
Dr. Garik Gutman, Program Manager, NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program; Landsat Program Scientist, Washington D.C. USA; Phone:1-202-358-2770; Email: [email protected]
Dan Irwin, Remote Sensing Scientist and Director, NASA SERVIR Program, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, Email: [email protected]
Dr. Toshimasa Ohara, Fellow, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan; Phone: 81-29-850-2491; Email: [email protected]
Dr. Matsunaga Tsuneo, Head, Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis (Environmental Information Analysis Section), National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan; Phone:81-29-850-2349;Email:[email protected]
Dr. Atul K. Jain, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA; Email: [email protected]
Dr. Cheikh Mbow, START Director, START -;Email: [email protected]
Local Steering Committee
Dr. Mylene G. Cayetano, Assistant Professor, Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (UP-IESM), University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines; Tel:+632 981 8500 loc 3942/3995; email: [email protected]
Dr. Gay Jane P. Perez, Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (UP-IESM), University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines; Tel:+632 981 8500 loc 3942/3993; email: [email protected]
Dr. Ronald Macatangay, Researcher, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), Princess Sirindhorn AstroPark, 260 Moo 4, T. Donkaew, A. Maerim, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand; email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Local Logistics Contact
Melody C. Batongbakal Project Assistant, IESM ([email protected])
Meeting Venue
Eastwood Richmonde Hotel 17 Orchard Road, Eastwood City Bagumbayan, Quezon City 1110, Philippines
Day 1 (28th May, Monday)
7:30 Registration
9:10 Welcome Introduction – Mylene Cayetano (Univ. of Philippines)
9:15 Welcome Address – University Rector (Univ. of Philippines)
9:35 Welcome Remarks – Chris Justice (U. Maryland College Park, USA)
9:45 Welcome Remarks – Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan)
9:55 Welcome Remarks and NASA LCLUC Program Updates - Garik Gutman (NASA HQ, USA) [Garik_Gutman.pdf]
10:15 Welcome Remarks, South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) Updates and Meeting Objectives – Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC, USA) [Krishna.pdf]
Group Picture
Coffee Break
Keynote Presentations
11:15 GEOGLAM and EOFSAC Activities – Chris Justice (Univ. of Maryland College Park, USA) [Chris.pdf]
11:35 Overview of GEORice – Thuy Le Toan (CESBIO, France) [T LeToan.pdf]
Technical Presentations
12:00 Status of the Philippines Agriculture and Land Degradation – Engr. Samuel Contreras (Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Philippines) [Phil_Ag.pdf]
12:20 JAXA’s Mission Updates and Agricultural Applications – Ko Hamamoto (JAXA, Japan) [Hamamoto.pdf]
1:40 Drought Mapping/Monitoring in India – Shibendu Ray (Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Center, India) [Shibendu.pdf]
2:00 Agricultural Research at MARD – Nguyen Hoai Nam/Nguyen Huu Tuyen (MARD CIS, Vietnam) [Tuyen.pdf]
2:20 Agricultural Systematic Monitoring in GISTDA, Thailand – Pakorn Petchprayoon (GISTDA, Thailand) [Pakorn.pdf]
2:40-6:00 Session-II. Emission Inventories and Land Atmospheric Interactions. Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC, USA) and co-Chair : Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan)
Keynote Presentations
2:40 Urban Areas Observation by GOSAT Satellite Series – Tsuneo Matsunaga (National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan) [Matsunaga.pdf]
3:05 A Generic Approach For Inversion And Validation Of Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Over Land: Application To Landsat 8 And Sentinel 2 – Eric Vermote (NASA GSFC, USA) [Eric_Vermote.pdf]
Coffee Break
4:00 Observation of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols Under Variability of Indonesia Climate - Edvin Aldrian (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia) [Aldrian.pdf]
4:20 Updates of the Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) – Tang Huang Lin (National Central Univ. Taiwan) [THLin.pdf]
4:40 Variability of Atmospheric Surface Temperature and Impacts on Land Cover as Observed by Satellites over the Philippines – Josefino Comiso (NASA GSFC, USA) [Comiso.pdf]
5:00 Spatial Variability and Concentrations of Black Carbon in Various Cities of the World Including Metro Manila – Alfred Wiedensohler (Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany) [Wiedensohler.pdf]
5:20 Historical Analysis and Inverse Modeling of Air Pollutant Emissions in Asia – Jun-Ichi Kurokawa (Asia Center for Air Pollution Research, Japan) [Kurokawa.pdf]
Day-2 – Agriculture and Land Use Change (Parallel Sessions)
9:00-12:20 Session-1 . Mapping and Monitoring - Chair: Chris Justice (UMd, USA)
9.00 Objectives for the Agricultural Sessions – Chris Justice (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) [Chris_Comments .pdf]
9.20 Use of Multi-Source Time Series Data For Generating Land Cover and Ecosystem Map – Nasreen Khan (IRRI, Philippines) [Presentation]
9.40 Rice Area Detection and Monitoring Using Multi-temporal SAR Images: PRISM Experience - Mary Rose Mabalay (PRISM-PHILRICE, Philippines) [Mary.pdf]
10.00 Agricultural Drought Assessment and Forecasting in the Philippines – Gay Jane Perez (University of the Philippines, Diliman – Philippines) [Gay_Perez.pdf]
Coffee break
11.00 Rice Monitoring: Vietnam – Nguyen Lam Dao (VNSC, Vietnam) [LDNguyen.pdf]
11.20 Agriultural Research at LAPAN, Indonesia – Dede Dirgahayu (LAPAN, Indonesia) [Dede.pdf]
11.40 Varietal Discrimination, Acreage Estimation and Yield Prediction of Basmati Aromatic Rice in North-Western India Using Satellite Data –Singh, A.N (Global Institute of Land, Water and Environment Management, India) [A.N.Singh_.pdf]
1:00-4:20 Session-2 Modeling and Decision Support Systems - Chair: Nguyen Lam Dao (VNSC, Vietnam)
1.00 The Crop Monitor – Christina Justice (EOFSAC, UMD) [Christina.pdf]
1:20 Crop Suitability Mapping using GIS and Remotely Classified Landuse/Land Cover Data – Victorino Bato (University of Philippines, Los Banos) [Presentation]
1.40 The Use of High Resolution Satellite Observations in EPIC Crop Model - Varaprasad Bandaru (University of Maryland College Park, USA) [Bandaru.pdf]
2.00 Adapting Crop Water Management Under Climate Uncertainty for a Spatial Decision Support System – Soe Myint (Arizona State University, USA) [Soe Myint.pdf]
2.20 Rice Crop Growth Monitoring and Yield Prediction Using Remote-Sensing and ORYZA Crop Growth Model – Tri Setiyono (IRRI – Philippines) [Setiyono.pdf]
2:40 Remote Sensing of Sugarcane Plantations in the Philippines – Ariel Blanco (University of Philippines) [ACBlanco.pdf]
3:00 SARAI (Philippines) [SARAI.pdf]
3:20 – 4:00
Coffee Break
4:00 – 5:00 - Session-3 . Panel Discussion – Agricultural Research Needs and Priorities - Chair: Chris Justice (University of Maryland College Park, USA)
5:00 Adjourn
Day-2 (29th May, Tuesday) - Atmosphere and Land Use Change (Parallel Sessions)
9:00-10:20 Session-1 . Emission Inventories and Modeling of Air pollutants, SLCP’s and GHG’s Chair: Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan)
9.00 Estimation of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields in the Mekong Delta by Land Surface Characterization with Remote Sensing – Hiranori Arai (University of Tokyo, Japan) [SARI_2018_Arai.pdf]
9.20 Methane Emissions from Wetlands of India – Jai Garg (GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India) [Garg.pdf]
9.40 Development of Air Pollution Forecasting System VENUS in NIES - Seiji Sugata (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) [Presentation]
10.00 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Air Particulate Matter Over Metro Manila, Philippines (2015-2018) – Mylene Cayetano (University of Philippines) [Cayetano_LCLUC.pdf]
Coffee break
10:20-12:20 Session-1 Continued . Emission Inventories and Modeling of Air pollutants, SLCP’s and GHG’s Chair: Mylene Cayetano (University of Philippines)
10.40 Multi-Model Inter-Comparison of Surface Ozone and Related Species Over East Asia - Tatsuya Nagashima - (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) [Nagashima.pdf]
11.00 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Tropical Land Use Gradient – Justin Sentian (Asia Pacific Network (APN) and Universiti Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia) [Justin-Manila-2018.pdf]
11:20 Effects of Detailed Vegetation Database on Simulated Meteorological Fields, Biogenic VOC Emissions, and Ambient Pollutant Concentrations over Japan - Satoru Chatani (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) [Chatani.pdf]
11.40 Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Southeast Asia During a Recent Smoke Haze Episode - Rajasekhar Balasubramanian (National University of Singapore, Singapore) [Rajasekhar.pdf]
12:00 Emission Projections, Synergies and Tradeoffs of mitigating SLCPs, air pollutants and GHGs in Asia and the World – Tatsuya Hanaoka (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) [Hanaoka.pdf]
12.20 – 1:20 Lunch
1:20 – 2:40 Session-2 - Biomass Burning inlcuding VOC Emissions - Chair: Tsuneo Matsunaga (NIES, Japan)
1:20 Impact of Indonesian Fires on Equatorial Asian Air quality between 2002 and 2015’ - Laura Kiely (University of Leeds, UK)
1:40 Inter-Comparison of MODIS AQUA and VIIRS I-Band Fires and Emissions in an Agricultural Landscape - Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA) [KPV.pdf]
2:00 Long-Lead Prediction of the 2015 Fire and Haze Episode in Indonesia – Israr Alabar (Climate Change and Land & Forest Fire Office, Indonesia) [Albar.pdf]
2:20 A Review of Three Tiers of Forest and Peatland Fire Monitoring in Tropical Indonesia: Space, Atmosphere and Surface – Nina Yulianti (University of Palangkarya, Indonesia) [Nina.pdf]
3:00 – 4:40 Session-3 – Aerosol Pollution - Chair: Rajasekhar Balasubramanian (NUS, Singapore)
2:40 Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ground and Satellite-Based Aerosols for Air Quality Assessment in the Southeast Asia region – Nguyen Thanh (Vietnam National University, Vietnam) [Presentation]
3:00 Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Influence on Urban Air Quality in Malaysia - Arnis Asmat (Universiti Technology MARA, Malaysia) [Arnis.pdf]
3.20 – 3:50
Coffee break
3:50 NARIT Atmospheric Research Activities – Ronald Macatangay (NARIT, Thailand) [Ron.pdf]
4:10 Aerosol Climatology over North West Himalayan Region of India - Yogesh Kant (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, India) [Presentation]
4.30 Analysis of Aerosol Transport to Japan by Combining Seamless Regional Model and Multiple Observations Including Geostationary Satellite: A Case Study of May 2016 – Daisuke Goto (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) [Presentation]
4:50 – 5:30 - Session-3 . Panel Discussion – Atmospheric Research Needs and Priorities
Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC, USA); Co-Chair – Mylene Cayetano (University of Philippines Diliman)
Day 3 (30th May, Wednesday)
9:30 - Report Back From Agricultural Remote Sensing Discussion
9:40 - Report Back From Land Atmospheric Interactions Discussion
Keynote Presentations
9:50 National Mapping Efforts in the Philippines – Rijaldia Santos (National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, Philippines) [Rizaldia.pdf]
10:15 Challenges for Global Mapping of Burned Areas: Experiences from the ESA Fire-CCI Project Emilio Chuvieco (Univ. of Alcala, Spain) [Emilio.pdf]
Coffee Break
Technical Presentations
11:10 Quantification of Forest Disturbance Intensity Using Time Series Landsat Observations and Field Inventory Data - Chengquan Huang (Univ. of Maryland College Park, USA) [Cheng.pdf]
11:30 The Forest Cover, Land Use, and Land Classification Conundrum in the Philippines and the Role of Remote Sensing - Enrico Paringit (Univ. of Philippines) [Enrico.pdf]
11:50 Dynamics and Drivers of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Bangladesh – Integration of Satellite with Socioeconomic Dataset - Atul Jain (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA) [Atul.pdf]
12:10 Assessing the Extent and Drivers of Forest Plantation Establishment in Andhra Pradesh, India – Randolph Wynne (Virginia Tech, USA) Wynne_Thomas.pdf]
1:30 Mangrove Forest Change in Mekong Delta, VietNam Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Coastal Area, Mekong Delta, VietNam – Diep Nguyen Thi Hong (Can Tho Univ. Vietnam) [Diep.pdf]
1:50 Shifting from Visual to Digital Classification of National Forests, Indonesia – Setiawan and Prasetyo (Bogor Agricultural Univ. Indonesia) [Setiawan.pdf]
2:10 Complex Forest Landscapes and Sociopolitical Drivers of Deforestation - The Interplay of Land-Use Policies, Armed Conflict, and Human Displacement in Myanmar – Sumalika Biswas (Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, USA) [Biswas.pdf]
2:30 Trends in LCLUC in Context of State Restructuring in Nepal – Rabin Niraula (HELVETAS Swiss Inter-Cooperation, Nepal) [Rabin.pdf]
2:50 LCLUC and Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region – Jiaguo Qi (Michigan State University, USA) [Qi.pdf]
3:10 Understanding the Role of Land Cover / Land Use Nexus in Malaria Transmission Under Changing Socio-Economic Climate in Myanmar – Tatiana Loboda (Univ. of Maryland College Park, USA) [Tatiana.pdf]
Coffee Break
4:00 Vientiane Urbanization Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Data – Sanya Praseuth (National Assembly of the Laos PDR, Laos) [Sanya_Praseuth.pdf]
4:20 Green and Blue Infrastructure in a Changing Urban Environment – Kasturi Devi Kanniah (Univ. Teknologi, Malaysia) [Kanniah.pdf]
4:40 Urbanization and Sustainability in Transitional Economies of Southeast Asia – Peilei Fan (Michigan State Univ. USA) [PeileiFAN.pdf]
5:00-5:40 Discussion Session VI: Regional Science Summary, Research and Capacity Building Priorities - Chair: Chris Justice; Rapporteur: Krishna Vadrevu
5:40 Closing Remarks – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ, USA)
5:50 Vote of Thanks – Mylene Cayetano and Gay Perez (Univ. of Philippines)
6:00 Adjourn