2024 |
Publications |
Baird, I. (2024). Going Organic: Challenges for government-supported organic rice promotion and certification nationalism in Thailand. World Development, 173, p. 106-421. |
2024 |
Publications |
Yi, R., and Green, W.N. (2024). Intensifying translocal precarity: The impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers’ commodity production and social reproduction in Cambodia. Area. https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12953 |
2024 |
Publications |
Green, W.N. and Baird, I.G. (2024). Financialization and rural development: comparing credit systems in Thailand and Cambodia. South East Asia Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/0967828X.2024.2331454 |
2024 |
Publications |
Baird, I. (2024) Organic rice: different implications from process and product environmental approaches in Laos and Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values, Agriculture and Human Values, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-024-10556-5 |
2023 |
Publications |
Promkhambut, A., Yokying, P., Woods, K., Fisher, M., Yong, M.L., Manorom, K., Baird, I.G. and Fox, J. 2023. Rethinking agrarian transition in Southeast Asia through rice farming in Thailand. World Development, 169, p.106309 |
2023 |
Publications |
Green, W.N. 2023. Agrarian financial ecologies: Centering land and labour in geographies of debt. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12664 |
2023 |
Publications |
Promkhambut, A., Polthanee, A., Simma, B., Fox, J., and Rambo, A.T. 2023. Reconfiguring Farming Systems of Smallholders with Market-Led Approach: A Case Study in Northeast Thailand. Sustainability, 15(16), p.12144 |
2022 |
Publications |
Yan, L., D. P. Roy, A. Promkhambut, J. Fox, and Y. Zhai. 2022. Automated extraction of aquaculture ponds from Sentinel-2 seasonal imagery–A validated case study in central Thailand. Science of Remote Sensing 6: 100063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.srs.2022.100063. |
2021 |
Kaspar Hurni Jefferson Fox |
Publications |
Van Den Hoek, J., A. C. Smith, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Shedding New Light on Mountainous Forest Growth: A cross-scale evaluation of the effects of topographic illumination correction on 25 years of forest cover change across Nepal. Remote Sensing 13: 2131. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13112131 |
2021 |
Publications |
W. Nathan Green (2021) Placing Cambodia’s agrarian transition in an emerging Chinese food regime, The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2021.1923007 |
2021 |
Phanwin Yokying Jamon Van Den Hoek Kaspar Hurni Jefferson Fox |
Publications |
Chhetri, R., P. Yokying, A. Smith, J. Van Den Hoek, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Submitted. Forest, agriculture, and migration: Contemplating the future of forestry and agriculture in the Middle-Hills of Nepal. Journal of Peasant Studies. |
2020 |
Jefferson Fox |
Poster Presentation |
Frazier , A.G, Stuecker, M.F.,Nelson, K., Yen, B.T, Sander B.O., Fox, J.M., Promkhambut,A., Kantar, B.K., Wang D.R. , Climate Variability and Rice production in mainland southeast Asia, https://agu2020fallmeeting-agu.ipostersessions.com/default.aspx?s=06-22-1F-6A-6F-94-F8-7D-B5-20-66-91-9A-40-D8-C6&guestview=true |
2020 |
Publications |
Yokying, P. and Floro, M.S., 2020. Parents’ labour force participation and children’s involvement in work activities: evidence from Thailand. Oxford Development Studies, 48(3), pp.287-303 |
2019 |
Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen |
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation |
Changing Agricultural Land-Use Patterns and the Drivers of These Changes in Vietnam’s Red River Delta |
2019 |
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation |
The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming 1995 to 2018 |
2019 |
Stephen Leisz Jefferson Fox |
Publications |
Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2019. Commuting distances to local non‐farm workplaces and out‐migration: The case of Northeast Thailand. Asia Pacific Viewpoint |
2017 |
Stephen Leisz Arthur Rambo |
Publications |
Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. Rural household characteristics and agricultural activities in relation to local non-farm employment: A comparative study of two wet-rice-growing villages in Northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal: 45 (4): 721-730. |
2017 |
Jefferson Fox Stephen Leisz Arthur Rambo |
Publications |
Shirai, Y., J. Fox, S.J. Leisz, H. Fukui, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. The Influence of Local Non-Farm Employment on Rural Household Structure in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 52-59 |
2015 |
Annemarie Schneider Mutlu Ozdogan |
Publications |
Kontgis, C., A. Schneider, and M. Ozdogan, M., 2015. Mapping rice paddy extent and intensification in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta with dense time stacks of Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 169, pp.255-269 |