The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming - 1995 to 2018

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2024 Publications Baird, I. (2024). Going Organic: Challenges for government-supported organic rice promotion and certification nationalism in Thailand. World Development, 173, p. 106-421.
2024 Publications Yi, R., and Green, W.N. (2024). Intensifying translocal precarity: The impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers’ commodity production and social reproduction in Cambodia. Area.
2024 Publications Green, W.N. and Baird, I.G. (2024). Financialization and rural development: comparing credit systems in Thailand and Cambodia. South East Asia Research.
2024 Publications Baird, I. (2024) Organic rice: different implications from process and product environmental approaches in Laos and Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values, Agriculture and Human Values,
2023 Publications Promkhambut, A., Yokying, P., Woods, K., Fisher, M., Yong, M.L., Manorom, K., Baird, I.G. and Fox, J. 2023. Rethinking agrarian transition in Southeast Asia through rice farming in Thailand. World Development, 169, p.106309
2023 Publications Green, W.N. 2023. Agrarian financial ecologies: Centering land and labour in geographies of debt. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
2023 Publications Promkhambut, A., Polthanee, A., Simma, B., Fox, J., and Rambo, A.T. 2023. Reconfiguring Farming Systems of Smallholders with Market-Led Approach: A Case Study in Northeast Thailand. Sustainability, 15(16), p.12144
2022 Publications Yan, L., D. P. Roy, A. Promkhambut, J. Fox, and Y. Zhai. 2022. Automated extraction of aquaculture ponds from Sentinel-2 seasonal imagery–A validated case study in central Thailand. Science of Remote Sensing 6: 100063.
2021 Kaspar Hurni
Jefferson Fox
Publications Van Den Hoek, J., A. C. Smith, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Shedding New Light on Mountainous Forest Growth: A cross-scale evaluation of the effects of topographic illumination correction on 25 years of forest cover change across Nepal. Remote Sensing 13: 2131.
2021 Publications W. Nathan Green (2021) Placing Cambodia’s agrarian transition in an emerging Chinese food regime, The Journal of Peasant Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2021.1923007
2021 Phanwin Yokying
Jamon Van Den Hoek
Kaspar Hurni
Jefferson Fox
Publications Chhetri, R., P. Yokying, A. Smith, J. Van Den Hoek, K. Hurni, S. Saksena, and J. Fox. 2021. Submitted. Forest, agriculture, and migration: Contemplating the future of forestry and agriculture in the Middle-Hills of Nepal. Journal of Peasant Studies.
2020 Jefferson Fox Poster Presentation Frazier , A.G, Stuecker, M.F.,Nelson, K., Yen, B.T, Sander B.O., Fox, J.M., Promkhambut,A., Kantar, B.K., Wang D.R. , Climate Variability and Rice production in mainland southeast Asia,
2020 Publications Yokying, P. and Floro, M.S., 2020. Parents’ labour force participation and children’s involvement in work activities: evidence from Thailand. Oxford Development Studies, 48(3), pp.287-303
2019 Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation Changing Agricultural Land-Use Patterns and the Drivers of These Changes in Vietnam’s Red River Delta
2019 NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming 1995 to 2018
2019 Stephen Leisz
Jefferson Fox
Publications Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2019. Commuting distances to local non‐farm workplaces and out‐migration: The case of Northeast Thailand. Asia Pacific Viewpoint
2017 Stephen Leisz
Arthur Rambo
Publications Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. Rural household characteristics and agricultural activities in relation to local non-farm employment: A comparative study of two wet-rice-growing villages in Northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal: 45 (4): 721-730.
2017 Jefferson Fox
Stephen Leisz
Arthur Rambo
Publications Shirai, Y., J. Fox, S.J. Leisz, H. Fukui, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. The Influence of Local Non-Farm Employment on Rural Household Structure in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 52-59
2015 Annemarie Schneider
Mutlu Ozdogan
Publications Kontgis, C., A. Schneider, and M. Ozdogan, M., 2015. Mapping rice paddy extent and intensification in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta with dense time stacks of Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 169, pp.255-269