01/01/2000: The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Contemporary U.S. Land Cover and Land Use Change and Implications for Carbon Dynamics |
01/01/1997: Case Studies and Diagnostic Models of the Interannual Dynamics of Deforestation in Southeast Asia: Is the Missing Sink for Carbon in Land Cover Change |
01/01/1997: Coupling Land Use and Land Cover Changes, and Ecosystem Processes in Miombo Woodlands |
01/01/1997: Effects of the Development of the Baikul-Amur Mainline Railroad on Patterns of Boreal Forest Cover and Carbon Fluxes in Southern Siberia |
01/01/1997: Modeling Carbon Dynamics and Their Economic Implications in Two Forest Regions: Pacific Northwestern USA and Northwestern Russia |
01/01/1997: Quantifying Grassland-to-Woodland Transitions and the Implications for Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in the Southwest United States |