04/09/2009: Collaborative Research: Diagnosis of Changes in Alpine Water Storages and Land Surface Degradation in Pamir Mountains and Amu Dariya River Basin |
01/01/2006: Interactions of Edaphic and Land Use Factors on Water Budgets in Cerrado and Semi-Arid Caatinga Region of Brazil |
01/01/2005: Effects of Land Use Change on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi-Arid Region of Inner Mongolia |
01/01/2005: Estimation of Seasonal Snow Cover and Glacial Area Changes in Central Asia (Tien Shan) During the Last 50 Years Using NASA ESE Products and In-Situ Data |
01/01/2005: Evaluating the effects of institutional change on regional hydrometeorology: Assessing the vulnerability of the Eurasian semi-arid grain belt |
01/01/2005: Urban Growth Impacts on Surface Hydrology and Stream Ecology in Watersheds of the Mid-Atlantic and New England |
01/01/2001: Fire, Land Cover and Climate Change: Impacts on River Flows in Semiarid Shrubland Watersheds |
01/01/2000: Time Scales of Land Use Change and Export of N and P from Coastal Plain Basins to the Coastal Zone: Part 2 |
01/01/1997: The Dynamics of a Semi-Arid Region in Response to Climate and Water-Use Policy |
01/01/1997: Time Scales of Land Use Change and Export of N and P from Coastal Plain Basins to the Coastal Zone |