2018 |
Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Kaim, D., V. C. Radeloff, M. Szwagrzyk, M. Dobosz, and K. Ostafin. 2018. Long-term changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians. The ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7: 137. |
2018 |
Jacek Kozak Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Alix-Garcia, J., S. Walker, J. Kozak, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Tariffs and trees: The effects of the Austro-Hungarian customs union on specialization and land use change. The Journal of Economic History, 78(4): 1142-1178. |
2018 |
Catalina Munteanu Garik Gutman Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Nita, M. D., C. Munteanu, G. Gutman, I. V. Abrudan, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Widespread forest cutting in the aftermath of World War II captured by broad-scale historical Corona spy satellite photography. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204: 322-332. |
2018 |
Anna Pidgeon Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Munteanu, C., A. M. Pidgeon, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Bird conservation in the Carpathian ecoregion in light of long-term land use trends and conservation responsibility. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(8): 2051-2068. |
2018 |
Dominik Kaim Pal Balazs Ewa Grabska Eva Konkoly Gyuro Jacek Kozak Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Lieskovský, J., D. Kaim, P. Balázs, M. Boltižiar, M. Chmiel, E. Grabska, G. Király, É. Konkoly-Gyuró, J. Kozak, K. Antalová, T. Kuchma, P. Mackovčin, M. Mojses, C. Munteanu, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, O. Shandra, P. Stych, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian Region (1819-1980). Journal of Maps, 14(2): 644-651. |
2017 |
Catalina Munteanu Jan Knorn Volker Radeloff Juraj Lieskovský Tobias Kuemmerle |
Publications |
Butsic, V., C. M. Munteanu, P. Griffith, J. Knorn, V. C. Radeloff, J. Lieskovsky, D. Mueller, and T. Kuemmerle. 2017. The effect of protected areas on forest disturbance in the Carpathian Mountains 1985-2010. Conservation Biology, 31(3): 570-580. |
2017 |
Tobias Kuemmerle Juraj Lieskovský Dominik Kaim Eva Konkoly Gyuro Katarzyna Ostapowicz Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Munteanu, C., T. Kuemmerle, M. Boltiziar, J. Lieskovsky, M. Mojses, D. Kaim, E. Konkoly-Gyuró, P. Mackovčin, D. Mueller, K. Ostapowicz, and V. C. Radeloff. 2017. Nineteenth century land-use legecies affect contemporary land abandonment in the Carpathians. Regional Environmental Change, 17(8): 2209-2222. |
2016 |
Jacek Kozak Krzysztof Ostafin Urs Gimmi Catalina Munteanu Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Kaim, D., J. Kozak, N. Kolecka, E. Ziółkowska, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, U. Gimmi, C. Munteanu, and V. C. Radeloff. 2016. Broad scale forest cover reconstruction from historical topographic maps. Applied Geography, 67: 39-48. |
2016 |
Mihai Daniel Nita Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Munteanu, C., M. D. Nita, I. V. Abrudan, and V. C. Radeloff. 2016. Historical forest management in Romania is imposing strong legacies on forests and their management. Forest Ecology and Management, 361: 179-193. |
2015 |
Catalina Munteanu Tobias Kuemmerle Pal Balazs Monika Dobosz Lubos Halada Dominik Kaim Geza Kiraly Eva Konkoly Gyuro Jacek Kozak Juraj Lieskovský Krzysztof Ostafin Katarzyna Ostapowicz Oleksandra Shandra Volker Radeloff |
Publications |
Munteanu, C., T. Kuemmerle, N. S. Keuler, D. Mueller, P. Balázs, M. Dobosz, P. Griffiths, L. Halada, D. Kaim, G. Király, E. Konkoly-Gyuró, J. Kozak, J. Lieskovsky, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, O. Shandra, and V. C. Radeloff. 2015. Legacies of 19th century land use shape contemporary forest cover. Global Environmental Change, 34: 83-94. |