200 Years of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and their Driving Forces in the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2018 Volker Radeloff Publications Kaim, D., V. C. Radeloff, M. Szwagrzyk, M. Dobosz, and K. Ostafin. 2018. Long-term changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians. The ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7: 137.
2018 Jacek Kozak
Volker Radeloff
Publications Alix-Garcia, J., S. Walker, J. Kozak, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Tariffs and trees: The effects of the Austro-Hungarian customs union on specialization and land use change. The Journal of Economic History, 78(4): 1142-1178.
2018 Catalina Munteanu
Garik Gutman
Volker Radeloff
Publications Nita, M. D., C. Munteanu, G. Gutman, I. V. Abrudan, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Widespread forest cutting in the aftermath of World War II captured by broad-scale historical Corona spy satellite photography. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204: 322-332.
2018 Anna Pidgeon
Volker Radeloff
Publications Munteanu, C., A. M. Pidgeon, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Bird conservation in the Carpathian ecoregion in light of long-term land use trends and conservation responsibility. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27(8): 2051-2068.
2018 Dominik Kaim
Pal Balazs
Ewa Grabska
Eva Konkoly Gyuro
Jacek Kozak
Volker Radeloff
Publications Lieskovský, J., D. Kaim, P. Balázs, M. Boltižiar, M. Chmiel, E. Grabska, G. Király, É. Konkoly-Gyuró, J. Kozak, K. Antalová, T. Kuchma, P. Mackovčin, M. Mojses, C. Munteanu, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, O. Shandra, P. Stych, and V. C. Radeloff. 2018. Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian Region (1819-1980). Journal of Maps, 14(2): 644-651.
2017 Catalina Munteanu
Jan Knorn
Volker Radeloff
Juraj Lieskovský
Tobias Kuemmerle
Publications Butsic, V., C. M. Munteanu, P. Griffith, J. Knorn, V. C. Radeloff, J. Lieskovsky, D. Mueller, and T. Kuemmerle. 2017. The effect of protected areas on forest disturbance in the Carpathian Mountains 1985-2010. Conservation Biology, 31(3): 570-580.
2017 Tobias Kuemmerle
Juraj Lieskovský
Dominik Kaim
Eva Konkoly Gyuro
Katarzyna Ostapowicz
Volker Radeloff
Publications Munteanu, C., T. Kuemmerle, M. Boltiziar, J. Lieskovsky, M. Mojses, D. Kaim, E. Konkoly-Gyuró, P. Mackovčin, D. Mueller, K. Ostapowicz, and V. C. Radeloff. 2017. Nineteenth century land-use legecies affect contemporary land abandonment in the Carpathians. Regional Environmental Change, 17(8): 2209-2222.
2016 Mihai Daniel Nita
Volker Radeloff
Publications Munteanu, C., M. D. Nita, I. V. Abrudan, and V. C. Radeloff. 2016. Historical forest management in Romania is imposing strong legacies on forests and their management. Forest Ecology and Management, 361: 179-193.
2016 Jacek Kozak
Krzysztof Ostafin
Urs Gimmi
Catalina Munteanu
Volker Radeloff
Publications Kaim, D., J. Kozak, N. Kolecka, E. Ziółkowska, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, U. Gimmi, C. Munteanu, and V. C. Radeloff. 2016. Broad scale forest cover reconstruction from historical topographic maps. Applied Geography, 67: 39-48.
2015 Catalina Munteanu
Tobias Kuemmerle
Pal Balazs
Monika Dobosz
Lubos Halada
Dominik Kaim
Geza Kiraly
Eva Konkoly Gyuro
Jacek Kozak
Juraj Lieskovský
Krzysztof Ostafin
Katarzyna Ostapowicz
Oleksandra Shandra
Volker Radeloff
Publications Munteanu, C., T. Kuemmerle, N. S. Keuler, D. Mueller, P. Balázs, M. Dobosz, P. Griffiths, L. Halada, D. Kaim, G. Király, E. Konkoly-Gyuró, J. Kozak, J. Lieskovsky, K. Ostafin, K. Ostapowicz, O. Shandra, and V. C. Radeloff. 2015. Legacies of 19th century land use shape contemporary forest cover. Global Environmental Change, 34: 83-94.