2023 |
Laura Sauls Ginger Allington Nicholas Cuba Geoffrey Henebry |
Publications |
Mack E. A., Sauls L. A., Jokisch B. D. , Nolte K. ,Schmook B.,He Y.,Radel C.,Allington G. R. H., Kelley L. C.,Scott C. K.,Leisz S. ,Chi G., Sagynbekova L.,Cuba N., Henebry G. N., Remittances and land change: A systematic review, World Development, Volume 168, 2023, 106251, ISSN 0305-750X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106251. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X23000694) |
2023 |
Laura Sauls |
Publications |
Cuba N, Sauls L.A. , Bebbington A.J., Bebbington D. H. , Chicchon A., Marimón P. D., Diaz O., Hecht S., Kandem S., Osborne T., Ray R., Rivera M., Rogan J., Zalles V. Emerging hot spot analysis to indicate forest conservation priorities and efficacy on regional to continental scales: a study of forest change in Selva Maya 2000–2020, Environmental Research Communications, Volume 4, Number 7 DOI 10.1088/2515-7620/ac82de |
2020 |
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation |
Evaluating the drivers of international migration from the Northern Triangle of Central America and its implications for land systems in the region |