Forest, Agricultural, and Urban Transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing Knowledge and Developing Theory

Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2019 Stephen Leisz
Jefferson Fox
Arthur Rambo
Publications Shirai, Y., Leisz, S. J., Fox, J., Rambo, A. T. (2019) Commuting Distances to Local Non-Farm Employment Sites and the Impact on Rural Out-Migration: The Case of Northeast Thailand, Asia Pacific Viewpoint,
2019 Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen
Jefferson Fox
Publications Baird, I.G., W. Noseworthy, N.P., Tuyen, L.T., Ha, and J. Fox. 2019. Land grabs and labour: Vietnamese workers on rubber plantations in southern Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 40 (1): 50-70.
2019 Publications Baird, I.G. 2019. Problems for plantations: Challenges for large-scale land concessions in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change.
2018 Jefferson Fox Publications Hurni, K. and J. Fox. 2018. The expansion of tree-based boom crops in Mainland Southeast Asia: 2001 to 2014. Journal of Land Use Science 13 (1-2): 198-219.
2018 Jefferson Fox Publications Nong, D.H., C.A. Lepczyk, T. Miura, and J.M. Fox. 2018. Quantifying urban growth patterns in Hanoi using landscape expansion modes and time series spatial metrics. PloS one 13(5): p.e0196940.
2018 Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen
Ham Kimkong
Kaspar Hurni
Ian Baird
Publications Fox, J., T. Nghiem, K. Ham, K. Hurni, and I. G. Baird. 2018. Large-Scale Land Concessions, Migration, and Land Use: The Paradox of Industrial Estates in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and Rubber Plantations of Northeast Cambodia. Land 7 (2): 1-17.
2017 Jefferson Fox Publications Shirai, Y., J. Fox, S.J. Leisz, H. Fukui, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. The Influence of Local Non-Farm Employment on Rural Household Structure in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Rural Studies 54: 52-59.
2017 Annemarie Schneider
Andreas Heinimann
Jefferson Fox
Publications Hurni, K.; Schneider, A.; Heinimann, A.; Nong, D.H.; Fox, J. Mapping the Expansion of Boom Crops in Mainland Southeast Asia Using Dense Time Stacks of Landsat Data. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 320.
2017 Jefferson Fox Publications Shirai, Y., S. Leisz, J. Fox, and A.T. Rambo. 2017. Rural household characteristics and agricultural activities in relation to local non-farm employment: A comparative study of two wet-rice-growing villages in Northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal: 45 (4): 721-730.
2016 Annual Progress Report Progress Report: Forest, agricultural, and urban transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing knowledge and developing theory Grant No. NNX14AD87G
2015 Jefferson Fox Publications Baird, I. and J. Fox. 2015. How land concessions affect places elsewhere: Telecoupling, political ecology, and large scale plantations in Southern and Laos and Northeast Cambodia. Land (4): 436-453.
2015 Jefferson Fox
Alan Ziegler
Publications Ahrends, A., P. Hollingsworth, A. Ziegler, J. Fox, H. Chen, Y.Su, and J. Xu. 2015. Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods. Global Environmental Change. 34: 48-58
2015 Jefferson Fox
Tomoaki Miura
Publications Nong, D.H., J.Fox. And T. Miura. 2015. Built-up Area Change Analysis in Hanoi using Support Vector Machine Classification of Landsat Multi-temporal Image Stacks and Population Data. Land 4(4): 1213-1231.
2014 Annemarie Schneider
Jefferson Fox
Publications Kontgis, C., A. Schneider, J. Fox, S. Saksena, J. Spencer and M. Castrence. 2014. Monitoring periurbanization in the greater Ho Chi Minh City metropolitan area. Applied Geography 53: 377-388.
2014 Jefferson Fox
Miguel Castrence
Tran Duc Vien
Publications Saksena, S., J. Fox, J. Spencer, M. Castrence, M. DiGregorio, M. Epprecht, N. Sultana, M. Finucane, L. Nguyen T.D. Vien. 2014. Classifying and Mapping the Urban Transition in Vietnam. Applied Geography 50: 80-89
2014 Jefferson Fox Publications Castrence, M., D. Nong, C. Tran, L. Young, and J. Fox. 2014. Mapping Urban Transitions Using Multi-Temporal Landsat and Dmsp-Ols Night-Time Lights Imagery of the Red River Delta in Vietnam. Land 3(1): 148-66.