2011 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Tuanmu, M-N., A. Vińa, G. J. Roloff, W. Liu, Z. Ouyang, H. Zhang and J. Liu. In press. Temporal transferability of wildlife habitat models: implications for habitat monitoring. Journal of Biogeography. |
2011 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Liu, J., V. Hull, A.T. Morzillo, and J.A. Wiens (Eds.). In press. Sources, sinks, and sustainability. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. |
2011 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Chen, X., K. A. Frank, G. He, T. Dietz, J. Liu. In review. Weak ties, labor migration, and environmental impacts: towards a sociology of sustainability. American Sociological Review. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Vińa, A., M-N. Tuanmu, W. Xu, Y. Li, Z. Ouyang, R. DeFries and J. Liu. 2010. Range-wide analysis of wildlife habitat: Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 143: 1960-1969, doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.04.046. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Tuanmu, M-N., A. Vińa, S. Bearer, W. Xu, Z. Ouyang, H. Zhang and J. Liu. 2010. Mapping understory vegetation using phenological characteristics derived from remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing of Environment 114: 1833-1844, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.03.008. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Liu, J. 2010. China's road to sustainability. Science 328:50. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Chen, X., F. Lupi, A. Vińa, G. He and J. Liu. 2010. Using cost-effective targeting to enhance the efficiency of conservation investments in payments for ecosystem services. Conservation Biology 24(6): 1469–1478, DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01551.x. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Bawa, K.S., L.P. Koh, T.M. Lee, J. Liu, P. S. Ramakrishnan, D.W. Yu, Y. Zhang, P.H. Raven. 2010. China, India, and the environment. Science 327: 1457-1459. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
An, L. and J. Liu. 2010. Long-term effects of family planning and other determinants of fertility on population and environment: agent-based modeling evidence from Wolong Nature Reserve, China. Population and Environment 31:427-459. |
2010 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Vińa, A., X. Chen, W. J. McConnell, W. Liu, W. Xu, Z. Ouyang, H. Zhang and J. Liu. 2010. Effects of natural disasters on conservation policies: The case of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China. Ambio DOI: 10.1007/s13280-010-0098-0. |
2009 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, Z. Ouyang, and J. Liu. 2009. Factors affecting land reconversion plans following a payment for ecosystem service program. Biological Conservation 142:1740-1747. |
2009 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, and J. Liu. 2009. Linking social norms to efficient conservation investment in payments for ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:11812-11817. |
2008 |
Jianguo Liu |
Publications |
Liu, J., S. Li, Z. Ouyang, C. Tam, and X. Chen. 2008. Ecological and socioeconomic effects of China's policies for ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 9477-9482. |