Land Abandonment in Russia: Understanding Recent Trends and Assessing Future Vulnerability and Adaptation to Changing Climate and Population Dynamics

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2015 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Using multiple remote sensing perspectives to identify and attribute land surface dynamics in Central Asia 2001–2013
2011 Publications Ioffe, G. and Z. Zayonchkovskaya, 2011, Spatial Shifts in Population within the Moscow Region, Eurasian Geography and Economics, in press.
2010 Publications Ioffe, G. and Z. Zayonchkovskaya, 2010 Immigration to Russia: Inevitability and Prospective Inflows, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 51(1): 104-125
2010 Kirsten de Beurs Publications de Beurs KM, and GM Henebry. 2010. Spatio-temporal statistical methods for modeling land surface phenology. In: (IL Hudson and MR Keatley, eds.) Phenological Research: Methods for Environmental and Climate Change Analysis. Springer: New York. Chapter 9, pp. 177-208.
2010 Publications de Beurs KM, and GM Henebry. 2010. A land surface phenology assessment of the northern polar regions using MODIS reflectance time series. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36(Suppl. 1): S87–S110. [Special Issue on International Polar Year]
2009 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Lioubimtseva E. and GM Henebry. 2009. Climate and environmental change in arid Central Asia: Impacts, vulnerability, and adaptations. Journal of Arid Environments, 73:963-977 doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2009.04.022.
2009 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Henebry, GM. 2009. Carbon in idle croplands. Nature 457:1089-1090.
2009 Publications de Beurs KM, CK Wright, and GM Henebry. 2009. Dual scale trend analysis distinguishes climatic from anthropogenic effects on the vegetated land surface. Environmental Research Letters, 4:045012.
2009 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Wright CK, KM de Beurs, ZK. Akhmadiyeva, PY Groisman, and GM Henebry. 2009. Reanalysis data underestimate significant changes in growing season weather in Kazakhstan. Environmental Research Letters, 4:045020.
2008 Geoffrey Henebry Publications de Beurs KM, and GM Henebry. 2008b. War, drought, and phenology: Changes in the land surface phenology of Afghanistan since 1982. Journal of Land Use Science 3(2-3): 95-111.
2008 Geoffrey Henebry Publications de Beurs KM, and GM Henebry. 2008a. Northern Annular Mode effects on the land surface phenologies of Northern Eurasia. Journal of Climate 21:4257-4279.
2008 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Loveland, TR, MA Cochrane, and GM Henebry. 2008. Landsat still contributing to environmental research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23(4):182-183.
2008 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Lioubimtseva, E. 2008. Climate Change in Turkmenistan, In: (S. G. Philander, ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change. New York: SAGE Reference, Golson Books.
2007 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Lioubimtseva, E. 2007. Possible changes in the carbon budget of arid and semi-arid Central Asia inferred from landuse/landcover analysis during 1981-2001. In: R Lal, M Suleimenov, BA Stewart, DO Hansen, P Doraiswami (eds.) Climate Change and Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Central Asia. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 441-452
2007 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Lioubimtseva, E. 2007. Impacts of climate change on the landscapes and human vulnerability of arid Central Asia. In: (R.G.H. Bunce, R.H.G. Jongman, L. Hojas, and S. Weel, eds.) 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: Science Principles in Practice. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress 8-12 July, Wageningen, The Netherlands. IALE Publication series 4. p 936, volume 2.
2007 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Henebry, GM, and M Doubková. 2007. Land surface phenologies sensed by cooler earthlight: how passive microwave image series can reveal vegetation dynamics appropriate for landscape monitoring. In: (R.G.H. Bunce, R.H.G. Jongman, L. Hojas, and S. Weel, eds.) 25 Years of Landscape Ecology: Science Principles in Practice. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress 8-12 July, Wageningen, The Netherlands. IALE Publication series 4. pp 1071-1072, volume 2.
2006 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Lioubimtseva E, and Cole R. 2006. Uncertainties of climate change in arid environments of Central Asia. Reviews in Fisheries Science 14(1-2): 29-50.
2006 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Friedl, M, G Henebry, B Reed, A Huete, M White, J Morisette, R Nemani, X Zhang, and R Myneni. 2006. Land Surface Phenology. A Community White Paper requested by NASA. April 10.
2005 Geoffrey Henebry Publications Doubková, M. and GM Henebry. 2005. Assessing land surface dynamics across the Nebraska Sand Hills using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) data products. Pecora 16 Proceedings, paper 25.
Publications Wright, CK, KM de Beurs, and GM Henebry. In review for NEESPI/MAIRS special issue. Combined analysis of land cover change and NDVI trends in the Northern Eurasian grain belt. Regional Environmental Change.