2011 |
Publications |
Xiaojuan Sun, Suhung Shen, Gregory Leptoukh and Panxing Wang, (2011), Development of a Web-based Visualization Platform for Climate Research Using Google Earth, Computers & Geosciences, submitted. |
2011 |
Publications |
Suhung Shen, Gregory Leptoukh, Hualan Rui, Jianfu Pan, Keith Bryant, Irina Gerasimov, Ivan Csiszar, Peter Romanov, Tatiana Loboda, (2011), GIOVANNI Data and Information System for the NEESPI Domain, Chapter 8.2 in book: Environmental Changes in Siberia: Regional Changes and their Global Consequences, submitted. |
2011 |
Publications |
Suhung Shen, Gregory Leptoukh, Hongliang Fang, (2011), NASA Satellite and Model Land Data Services: Data Access Tutorial, Chapter 5 in book: Land Surface Observation, Modeling and Data Assimilation, submitted. |
2009 |
Publications |
Shen, S., Leptoukh, G., Loboda, T., Csiszar, I., Romanov, P., and Gerasimov, I., (2009), The NASA NEESPI Data Portal to Support Studies of Climate and Environmental Changes in Non-boreal Europe". In : Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern Europe, Groisman, Pavel Ya. Ivanov, Sergiy (Eds.), Springer, 2009, 255 p., pp 9-16. |
2007 |
Publications |
Leptoukh, G.,Csiszar, I.,Romanov, P.,Shen S.,Loboda T.,& Gerasimov, I. (2007). NASA NEESPI data center for satellite remote sensing data and services. Global and Planetary Change, Environ, Res. Lett., 2. 045009, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/2/4/045009. |