06/01/2009: Modeling Strategies for Adaptation to Linked Climate and Land Use Change in the United States |
04/22/2009: Remote Sensing Of Forest Structure Across Multiple Scales From Leaves To Canopies And Stands |
04/01/2009: Impact of Rapid Land-Use Change in the Northern Great Plains: Integrated Modeling of Land-Use Patterns, Biophysical Responses, Sustainability, and Economic and Environmental Consequences |
05/01/2008: Three Decades of Forest Cover Change in the Americas Evaluated Using the Geocover and MDGLS Data Sets |
01/01/2008: Tropical Mangrove Forests: Global Distributions and Dynamics (1990-2005) |
01/01/2006: Exacerbation of Flooding Responses Due to Land Cover/Land Use Change: A Comparative Study |
01/01/2005: Interactive Drivers of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in Agricultural Areas: Climate and Land-Manager Choices |
01/01/2005: Landscape Vulnerability-Resilience in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region (SYPR) |
01/01/2005: Multisensor/Multiscale Assessment of Urban Impacts in the Great Lakes Region |
01/01/2005: Responses of Coastal Waters to Terrestrial Inputs of Elemental CNP in Urbanizing Coastal Regions |
01/01/2005: Urban Growth Impacts on Surface Hydrology and Stream Ecology in Watersheds of the Mid-Atlantic and New England |
01/01/2005: Using Remote Sensing-Based Measures to Assess NRCS Impacts in Michigan: Step 2 |
01/01/2005: Vulnerability of US National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change and Variability: Part 2 |
01/01/2004: Boreal Zone Forest Type and Structure from EOS Data Sets |
01/01/2004: Forest Woody Biomass Carbon Estimates of North America from Synergistic Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and JERS Data in Support of the North American Carbon Program |
01/01/2004: Integrated Regional Climate Study with a Focus on the Land-Use Land-Cover Change and Associated Changes in Hydrological Cycles in the Southeastern United States |
01/01/2004: Large Scale Assessment of Landscape Changes and Recovery in Forest Structure of Mangrove Wetlands Subject to Human Activities, Freshwater Diversion, and Natural Disturbances Using Enhanced SRTM Data |
01/01/2004: Multi-Scale Remote Assessment of Land-Surface Hydrologic Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors: A Case Study in the Florida Everglades |
01/01/2004: Quantifying Changes in Carbon Pools with Shrub Invasion of Desert Grasslands Using Multi-Angle Data from EOS Terra and Aqua |
01/01/2004: Spatial Patterns of Forest Disturbance and Consequences for Regional Water Quality |
01/01/2001: Developing Land Cover Scenarios in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Michigan, USA: A Stochastic Simulation Approach |
01/01/2001: Driving Forces of Change in Regional Carbon Stocks: Comparison of the Western Oregon, USA and St. Petersburg Region, Russia |
01/01/2001: Effect of Land Use, Soils, and Human Populations on Export of Water, C, N, and P from the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain |
01/01/2001: Effects of Urbanization on Ecological Services in a Semi-arid Region of the United States |
01/01/2001: Fire, Land Cover and Climate Change: Impacts on River Flows in Semiarid Shrubland Watersheds |