01/01/2021: Global Hotspots of the Wildland Urban Interface |
01/01/2021: High-Impact Hot Spots of Land Cover Land Use Change: Ukraine and Neighboring Countries |
01/01/2021: Hotspot Detection for Monitoring New Trends in Carbon Sequestration in Systems of Trees Outside of Forests |
01/01/2021: Making the Hidden Visible: Accelerated Land-Use Change and Degradation Caused by Narco-Trafficking In and Around Central America’s Protected Areas |
01/01/2021: Mapping property values to understand land-use change in South America |
01/01/2021: Multi-source Wildland Urban Interface Characterization Enhanced with Machine Learning Technique: Dynamics and Hazard Assessment |
01/01/2021: Rapid Change from Alluvial Mining and Development in Madre de Dios, Peru: A Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach to Quantify Terrestrial and Aquatic Impacts and Test Policy Effectiveness |
01/01/2021: Sensor fusion using daily Planet imagery allows rapid deforestation monitoring in Madagascar |
01/01/2021: Soybean Expansion in South America: Quantifying Historical Land-Use Change, Modeling Socioeconomic Drivers and Projecting Future Trajectories |
01/01/2021: Understanding the socioeconomic drivers of agricultural land abandonment and associated fire risk in Greece |
01/01/2021: Where are the missing burned areas? Global hotspots of burned area – a multiresolution analysis |
09/01/2020: Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance in Myanmar using multi-source imagery |
03/23/2020: Divergent Local Responses to Globalization: Urbanization, Land Transition, and Environmental Changes in Southeast Asia |
01/12/2020: Interdependent Dynamics of Food, Energy and Water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the Transitional Socioecological Systems |
01/01/2020: Atmospheric Teleconnections and Anthropogenic Telecouplings Drive Land Change in Central Asian Highlands: How Environmental Changes, Migration, and Remittances Threaten Montane Agropastoralist Livelihoods and Community Viability |
01/01/2020: Forced and Truncated Agrarian Transitions in Asia Through the Lens of Field Size Change |
01/01/2020: Land-Use Transitions in Indonesian Peatlands |
01/01/2020: New Transitions in Smallholder Agricultural Systems that Promote Increased Tree Cover Outside of Forests |
01/01/2020: Rapid Urbanization, Changing Croplands and Increasing Population Health Vulnerabilities in the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor |
01/01/2020: Shifting Cultivation at a Crossroad: Drivers and Outcomes of Recent Land-Use Changes in Laos PDR |
08/13/2019: Mapping and Monitoring Mangrove Forests in Southeast Asia |
09/01/2018: Comprehensive Analysis of Thirty Years of Land Change in Georgia: Patterns, Carbon Dynamics and Drivers |
06/15/2018: Assessing the Impacts of Dams on the Dynamic Interactions Among Distant Wetlands, Land Use, and Rural Communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin |
05/01/2018: A Cobra in the Forest? Quantifying the Impact of Perverse Incentives from Indonesia's Deforestation Moratorium, 2011 to 2016 |
05/01/2018: Africa Burned Area Product Generation, Quality Assessment and Validation - Demonstrating a Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Capability |