Collaborative Research: Diagnosis of Changes in Alpine Water Storages and Land Surface Degradation in Pamir Mountains and Amu Dariya River Basin

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Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2011 Vladimir Aizen Publications Aizen, V.B. 2010. Pamir Glaciers. Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Ed: V.P.Sigh, Springer (accepted)
2011 Vladimir Aizen Publications Aizen, V.B. 2010. High Elevation Glacioclimatology. Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Ed: V.P.Sigh, Springer (accepted)
2011 Vladimir Aizen
Elena Aizen
Publications Aizen, V. B., E.M. Aizen, A. B. Surazakov, S.A. Nikitin, J. Kubota. 2010. Climate, glaciers and river runoff changes in Central Asia in XX century. Journal of Hydrolometeorology (accepted).
2011 Eric Davidson Publications Coe, M.T., E.M. Latrubesse, M.E Ferreira, and M.L. Amsler, 2011: The Effects of deforestation and climate variability on the streamflow of the Araguaia River, Brazil, Biogeochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-011-9582-2
2010 Vladimir Aizen Publications Aizen, Vladimir, Tandong Yao, Pratap Singh, Igor Severski. 2010. World Water Development Report, Section Permafrost Trend and Section Trend in Glaciers, UNESCO WMO (accepted).
2010 Vladimir Aizen Publications Surazakov, A.B., V. B. Aizen, 2010. Positional accuracy evaluation of declassified Hexagon KH-9 mapping camera imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol.76, N 5, pp.603-608.
2009 Vladimir Aizen
Elena Aizen
Publications Aizen, V.B., P.A. Mayewski, E.M Aizen, D.R. Joswiak, S. Kaspari, S. Sneed, A.B. Surazakov, B. Grigholm, A. Finaev. 2009. Stable-Isotope and Chemical Time Series from Fedchenko Glacier Firn Core (Pamir). J. of Glaciology, V.55/190 pp.275-291.
2009 Vladimir Aizen Publications Groisman, Pavel Ya., Elizabeth A. Clark, Vladimir M. Kattsov, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Irina N. Sokolik, Vladimir B. Aizen, Oliver Cartus, Jiquan Chen, Susan Conard, John Katzenberger, Olga Krankina, Jaakko Kukkonen, Toshinobu Machida, Shamil Maksyutov, Dennis Ojima, Jiaguo Qi, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Maurizio Santoro, Christiane C. Schmullius, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Kou Shimoyama, Herman H. Shugart, Jacquelyn K. Shuman, Mikhail A. Sofiev, Anatoly I. Sukhinin, Charles Vörösmarty, Donald Walker, and Eric F. Wood. 2009. The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership: an example of science applied to societal needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, V. 90, issue 5.
2009 NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation Changing Climate, Landcover and Water Resources in the Mountains of Central Asia over the last 60 years